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Homes Furniture Ideas

UP Dining Table by Christopher Duffy with Balloon Shaped Legs

UP Dining Table by Christopher Duffy

Haven’t you watched the adventure of Mr. Fredricksen and Russell flying the home to Paradise Fall with balloons? If you have not watched UP, then you should watch this movie. A lot of things we can learn from this movie. However, we are not going to discuss Pixar’s movie today. What we are going to discuss today is a dining table inspired from UP. Christopher Duffy, the designer behind this UP dining table, tried to share the imagination and the concept of levitation and buoyancy through this project.

UP Dining Table by Christopher Duffy

The project involved robust materials that are including toughened glass, metal resin composite and toughened steel rods. The UP Dining Table can fit in almost any event. Whether it is just a casual dinner or the formal one, the UP Dining Table just can bring the right feeling to the dining room while also impressing and make the people in the area amazed with its unique looks. We might think that its balloons shaped legs would not be suitable for any formal dinner, but it proved that it has great adaptability that makes it suitable for almost any type of dinner event. This UP Dining Table is limited edition, only manufactured 20 pieces and tagged at £9,500.00 per unit.

UP Dining Table by Christopher Duffy

UP Dining Table by Christopher Duffy

UP Dining Table by Christopher Duffy

UP Dining Table by Christopher Duffy